What Issues Arise If You Get In A Wreck With An Out Of State Driver?

As we all know, Florida is one of the top tourist destinations in the United States. Even apart from vacationers, Florida is home to many people who live here only part of the year. The upshot is that there is…

The Most Common Car Accident Injuries.

Everyone knows someone who was involved in a car wreck, and most know people who were seriously injured or killed in a car crash. This is not surprising. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) there are 3 million…

Hit and Run Fatalities Are On The Rise In Florida.

As an Ironman® triathlete who has spent many hours on a bike, I have become quite familiar with the dangers associated with being a pedestrian on our roadways.  In fact, I have just about given up doing my training rides…

Who Pays My Medical Bills After a Car Wreck?

After a serious car crash, a client’s first thought is to get medical treatment to determine the extent of the injuries they have suffered. As we all know, however, the cost of medical treatment can be sky-high. So, the second…

What Is UM Coverage And Why Is It Important?

It is a common situation for most personal injury lawyers in Florida. A client is seriously injured in a car accident, that was not their fault, and has significant ongoing problems and medical treatment. Perhaps they cannot work or carry…

When Should You “Lawyer Up” Following a Car Wreck?

Many car wreck victims wonder what the answer to this question is and many hope that hiring a lawyer is not necessary. If you have an injury or you feel you might, hiring a lawyer is necessary. The Hiring of…