Why Should You Seek Medical Treatment After A Car Wreck?

You’re in a car wreck and people sometimes think it wasn’t that big of a deal. Maybe it is just a little neck pain or a little back pain and you don’t really want to go to the ER. People…

Wave Another Car Across And An Accident Occurs – Who is Liable?

On any busy intersection and road, a friendly gesture as a wave can cause fatal accidents. It has everything to do with a driver waving at another driver across, which could be a primary cause of a car crash. What…

Parents And The Art Of Car Seat Safety

By: Hannah Domoslay-Paul (Contributing writer for Pensacola Mom Collective) Protecting The Smallest Members Of Our Families As We Travel Through Our Day-To-Day Lives. As the mom of six, I cannot even begin to fathom the number of times I have…

Intersection Car Accidents: One of The Most Dangerous Types of Vehicle Crashes.

Intersections are a prime place for an automobile accident to occur. More than 50 percent of the combined total of fatal and injury crashes occur at or near intersections. The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA’s) intersection safety and design research facilitates the…

Carpal Tunnel Injuries Caused By A Car Wreck

When people hear about carpal tunnel they think of people that use computers such as secretaries or factory workers who are constantly using their hands. However, even though it is considered a repetitive use injury, it can be trauma-induced. Carpal…

Use Of The Black Box Evidence In Your Car Accident Case

In many car crash cases, there are disputes over speed, movement of the vehicles, seat belt issues, braking, and other facts. Participants or witnesses may have faulty memories or even a reason to lie about what happened or what they…