When Is A Personal Injury Severe Enough For A Lawsuit?

If you are injured in a car crash in Florida, there are many laws that affect your ability to be compensated for your injuries. Many years ago, Florida established a requirement that drivers have “no-fault” Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits…

Can A Pre-Existing Injury Affect Your Personal Injury Case?

It happens every day. A person is rear-ended in a car accident and develops neck or back pain. They get medical treatment and x-rays show they have degenerative changes in their spine. They had never had any pain or treatment before…

Who Is Responsible If You Are Seriously Injured in An Accident Involving a Lyft® Or Uber® Driver in Florida?

Rideshares such as Uber® and Lyft® have revolutionized the transportation industry. In the U.S. alone, there are hundreds of millions of rides every year. According to data released by Forbes, the number of annual Uber trips has increased substantially since…

You’ve Been Hit By An Uninsured Driver – What Do You Do?

It is a common situation here at Zarzaur Law, P.A. A client is seriously injured in a car accident, that was not their fault, and has significant ongoing problems and medical treatment. Perhaps they cannot work or carry on the…

Can Someone Else Be Liable For A Single Vehicle Accident?

Single Vehicle Accident Liability  Sometimes, depending on the facts, there may be a liability from non-motorists that caused the injuries. FLORIDA HAS ONE OF THE HIGHEST TRAFFIC DEATH RATES PER 100,000 RESIDENTS AT 14.7. 52% OF FATAL CRASHES INVOLVED A…

Do You Know How to Navigate A Roundabout?

While roundabouts are designed with safety in mind, these traffic signal alternatives create a significant hazard for drivers. With many drivers having very little experience navigating these circular intersections, it is important to know both how to properly operate your…