When Is A Personal Injury Severe Enough For A Lawsuit?

If you are injured in a car crash in Florida, there are many laws that affect your ability to be compensated for your injuries. Many years ago, Florida established a requirement that drivers have “no-fault” Personal Injury Protection (PIP) benefits…

What Happens If You Are In A Car Wreck Caused By An Impaired Driver?

Alcohol is a substance that reduces the functions of the brain, impairing thinking, reasoning, and muscle coordination. All of these abilities are necessary to operate a motor vehicle safely. A person’s alcohol level is measured by the weight of the…

The Particular Issues of Being Involved in A Wreck With Multiple Vehicles.

Most Florida Car Accidents or Florida Car Wrecks occur between two vehicles.  One vehicle is considered the “at-fault” vehicle and the other vehicle is considered the “victim” vehicle. Occasionally, wrecks in Florida involve multiple vehicles.  Usually, one “at-fault” driver who…