Medical Malpractice and the Florida Standard of Care

Florida medical malpractice law involves many complex factors that Pensacola malpractice lawyers…

How Does PIP Coverage Affect You In An Accident?

If you’ve suffered an injury in an auto accident and are looking for a Pensacola personal injury lawyer…

New Parasail Injury Law partly based on case handled by Zarzaur Law, P.A.

Injuries sustained by tourist while on vacation in Florida can be devastating. Vacation is a time treasured all year…

More Changes to Florida Medical Malpractice Caps Potentially Looming

For those of you who have been following Pensacola medical malpractice news, there may soon be…

Constant Motion of Reckless Behavior-New TV Spot

Pensacola personal injury lawyer Joe Zarzaur just produced two TV spots, here is the second.

Truck Wreck Lawyers

Truck wreck lawyers are lawyers that devote a substantial portion of their practice to representing the victims…