Social Media and the Personal Injury Client- Top 10 Suggestions

Ten suggestions to protect personal injury client’s from social media issues.

How to Find the Best Personal Injury Lawyer

So you, a family member or loved one is the victim of a reckless driver or person. So, what do you do to find the best possible personal injury lawyer for your situation? First, there is nothing more annoying than…

Car Insurance Premiums -Behind the Scene

The most recent edition of Consumer Reports magazine contained a really good article about car insurance. In the article, the author discusses that the magazine spent 2 years reviewing over 2 billion car insurance quotes from 700 companies in every…

What is my Florida Car Wreck Case Worth?

This is one of the most asked questions in our business, handling Florida Car Wreck cases. Injured clients want to know what their case is worth for a variety of reasons. Many clients are being inundated with medical bills each…

Involved in Car Wreck in Florida, Now What?

Florida is a “no fault” car insurance state. This means that Florida requires that every car owner purchase “no fault” or “personal injury protection” coverage. So how does this requirement make the car wreck process different for those involved? That…

Wrongful Death Cases

By far, the worst situation for any family is the sudden death of a loved one especially when the reason is the negligence or carelessness of another person.  Florida law has specific provisions that dictate not only who can bring…