Recouping Earnings Lost Due to Medical Malpractice

Beyond the usual economic and noneconomic damages you and your Pensacola medical malpractice lawyer…

New TV Spot – Joe Zarzaur is Not Afraid

Pensacola personal injury lawyer Joe Zarzaur just produced two TV spots, here is the first. Pensacola personal injury…

The Bench and Bar Professionalism Committee Honors Joe

The Bench and Bar Professionalism Committee honors Joe Zarzaur and Miner Harrell for professional conduct…

Understanding Comparative Negligence and Diminished Recovery in Florida

If you have been injured physically or suffered financial losses due to an automobile accident, you need to seek…

Legal Graffiti

During every 2015 Gallery Night, Joe and his staff invite everyone to visit Romana Street in downtown Pensacola…

Zarzaur Law, P.A., Pensacola -The Bikes at Work Project!

“Who bikes to work these days? We do! Teaming up with Pensacola’s Think Beyond organization…