How Does the Car Wreck Settlement Process Work?

When someone is injured in a car wreck that is not their fault, most people would rather not pay for expensive medical treatment and property damage themselves. In the vast majority of cases, the only collectible funds that are available…

An all go, no quit interview on podcast with Joe Zarzaur.

Joe Zarzaur, Zarzaur Law – Multi-Channel Marketing, Candid Conversations, and Healthy Employees Chris Dreyer / July 09,2020 / The Rankings Podcast Joe Zarzaur is the founder of Zarzaur Law, a personal injury firm based in Pensacola, Florida. Joe is a…

Do You Know Florida’s Car Seat Laws?

As of Jan. 1, 2020, Washington state has new laws on child car seats. This includes stricter rules on age, weight and height of children, restraints and how long a child must be in a rear facing seat. With this…

Delayed Symptoms After a Car Wreck

After a severe car accident most people will feel pain from their injuries immediately, but this is not always the case. When your body is put in a dangerous situation, your adrenaline kicks in with fight or flight, and you may…

Back To School and Bus Stop Safety – Do You Know the Golden Rules?

Florida school buses carry precious cargo – our children. Most motorists drive with caution around school buses and at school bus stops and school zones, but accidents do happen and children walking or riding bikes can be unpredictable, so motorists…

New Florida Law (HB21) Targets Opioid Addiction at the Root Level.

Opioid Epidemic—How Did We Get Here? According to a report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in the early 1990s through 2012, opioids were commonly prescribed to relieve pain. But over time, abuse of the drugs grew. Some facts…