Brain Injuries: The Biggest Threat of Contact Sports

The term concussion refers to the mental alteration resulting from a head impact or brain injury which may also include the loss of consciousness. Concussions are hard to diagnose because symptoms are not visible until hours later when after-effects become…


Guaranteeing a patient’s health and safety during surgical procedures requires mandatory care measures that must be considered before, during, and after the operation. In the past, surgical procedures were performed in hospitals, with more than enough staff and equipment to…

Driver and Cyclist Crash-Risk Perception. Do You Know the Rules?

Florida’s roads and streets are the main scenario for the interaction between pedestrians, drivers, cyclists, motorcyclists and more. We face the everyday hazardous act of sharing the roads, trusting in the driving and riding knowledge of everyone in traffic. But…

Zarzaur Law, P.A. Establishes Endowed Scholarship

Spring Hill College announces its partnership with Zarzaur Law, P.A. of Pensacola, Florida to establish a generous scholarship for deserving students seeking a transformational Jesuit education. The scholarship is specifically designated for student-leaders entering their junior year at Spring Hill….

Distracted Driving Is Now More Dangerous than Drunk Driving

The State Department of Highway and Safety and Motor Vehicles reported nearly 50,000 distracted driving crashes in Florida in 2016, including 233 deaths. Drivers are twice as likely to crash “text-driving” as drunk-driving, a coalition of motoring groups and road…

Danger: Beware of Road Rage

Road rage incidents in Florida have been on the rise according to The Trace—a non-profit focusing on gun issues.  They report that Florida has the most road rage incidents, with 147 incidents, occurring between 2014 and 2016. In 2012, Florida…