The Effects Of Medical Professionals Making Mistakes (aka Medical Malpractice)

What could be worse than receiving a diagnosis for a serious illness? We can think of a couple. Receiving a diagnosis for a serious illness and then being mistreated by your medical care provider for that illness or a hospital…

Zarzaur Law & Artel Gallery Team Up Against Child Abuse

ZARZAUR LAW P.A. AND ARTEL TEAM UP TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST CHILD ABUSE (April 15th, 2016 – Pensacola, Fla.) – For the last 5 years, the From Blue to Better (FBTB) campaign has spread awareness about Child Abuse Prevention each…

New Parasail Injury Law partly based on case handled by Zarzaur Law, P.A.

Injuries sustained by tourist while on vacation in Florida can be devastating. Vacation is a time treasured all year…

Truck Wreck Lawyers

Truck wreck lawyers are lawyers that devote a substantial portion of their practice to representing the victims…

The Bench and Bar Professionalism Committee Honors Joe

The Bench and Bar Professionalism Committee honors Joe Zarzaur and Miner Harrell for professional conduct…

Zarzaur Law, P.A., Pensacola -The Bikes at Work Project!

“Who bikes to work these days? We do! Teaming up with Pensacola’s Think Beyond organization…