Did You Hire A Big “Bad” Firm Without Speaking To A Lawyer? This Is Not Normal.

Our firm is seeing an alarming trend. Serious Injury and accident victims are hiring “Big Box” law firms to handle their cases, and the firm basically signs them up and never once offers speaking with a lawyer prior to signing a…

Don’t Think You Need UM Coverage In Florida? Here’s Why You Need It.

We have written and spoken at some length about the necessity of purchasing uninsured motorist coverage (UM coverage). The basis for this advice is that most drivers in Florida have only the minimum required insurance. This means that most drivers…

Watch What You Say At The Scene During Car Accident

You’re in a car wreck and the adrenaline is flowing like crazy because your body is in the flight or fight stage, and you obviously didn’t expect to be in a car wreck. You expected to be at your destination….