What Are The Five Most Common Injury Claims In The Springtime?

  Like almost everyone else, we here at Zarzaur Law are welcoming the spring season. Longer hours and warmer weather mean that we can get back to all of our favorite outdoor activities. However, with everyone becoming more active and…

What You Need To Know About Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI).

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) includes any bump, blow, or jolt to the head that interferes at all with your normal brain function. The most common form of TBI is a concussion. When you sustain a concussion, an outside force…

Brain Injuries: The Biggest Threat of Contact Sports

The term concussion refers to the mental alteration resulting from a head impact or brain injury which may also include the loss of consciousness. Concussions are hard to diagnose because symptoms are not visible until hours later when after-effects become…

Personal Injury & Back To School: Playground Concussions Are on the Rise

Back to School: Back To Injuries By now most parents have heard about the danger of concussions in sports like football and hockey. But parents trying to keep their children safe from head injuries need to be concerned with more…

How to Find the Best Personal Injury Lawyer

So you, a family member or loved one is the victim of a reckless driver or person. So, what do you do to find the best possible personal injury lawyer for your situation? First, there is nothing more annoying than…

Pensacola Personal Injury Lawyer

Pensacola personal injury lawyer Joe Zarzaur has won thousands of cases for his clients, including one of the largest single injury verdicts in Escambia County, Florida history. Because of this, Joe has become known for his record results and million…