If you have a serious injury case, action shouldn’t be delayed.
If you are unable to meet in person due to the coronavirus (COVID19) outbreak or any other reason, please contact us.
We’re still here working. We conduct virtual meetings with our clients regularly, and will do it for you.
Zarzaur Law, P.A. is aware of the coronavirus (COVID19) concerns of everyone in our community.
For over two weeks, the firm has taken steps to insure that our office is sanitized for each client. We have also taken extra steps to make certain that all staff members are symptom free and that their body temperatures are normal prior to coming to work. Further, we have inquired and insured that no staff member has come into contact with any international travelers or national travelers that may be coming from domestic hot spots in their free time. If they have we have asked them to self quarantine for two weeks.
We will continue to see clients, one at a time, to make sure that all clients with personal injury legal issues are handled in a timely and professional manner. The firm also recognizes that given the cancellation of schools and other institutions, many potential new personal injury clients cannot attend meetings “in person”. To address this issue, our firm -which has always offered “virtual meetings” with potential clients- has stepped up our technological capabilities and is utilizing Zoom® video conferencing software/hardware to provide high quality video conferencing for any potential personal injury client to have a free face to face consultation with one of our personal injury lawyers. As always, the firm will continue to speak to each potential client first by phone and if the matter results in a meeting we will provide the potential client to attend such meeting via video conferencing and provide all documents to you electronically. This will permit the hiring of our firm for your personal injury case to be consummated without requiring you to leave your families and home.
Exact instructions for these consultations will be provided during the initial call with our firm. These procedures will go into effect immediately and will continue until our community is completely on the other side of this COVID19 issue.
We urge everyone to heed all recommendations provided by our state and federal scientific communities and to stay put in their homes and not to congregate in crowds, adhere to stringent personal hygiene protocols, and make certain to be aware of those in your families that make up the high risk group for coronavirus.
The following is a list of links to various reliable sources for the latest information on the virus both local and federal:
Zarzaur Law, P.A. will continue to provide excellent legal services to our clients and remain committed to offer those services even as we all deal with the challenges of this time.
Joe Zarzaur, founder of Zarzaur Law, P.A., a Pensacola Personal Injury law firm, has created this blog in an effort to educate the many citizens and visitors of Pensacola, Florida about their legal rights. Joe Zarzaur knows the ins and outs of Florida law, and offers friendly-quality legal help whether you have experienced an auto accident/car wreck, have been a victim of medical malpractice or are in need of a personal injury lawyer. For more information, visit: https://www.zarzaurlaw.com
11 E Romana Street
Pensacola, FL 32502
Telephone: 850-444-9299
Email: info@zarzaurlaw.com