A recent study has found that pedestrian deaths are at a 30 year high. The study published by the Governor’s Highway Association noted that there were over 6,200 pedestrian deaths in 2018 which was the highest amount of such deaths since 1990. The study focused only on those injuries or deaths that were the result of a car impacting a pedestrian.
Distracted Driving and Pedestrian Deaths
This is no surprise to Zarzaur Law. We have noticed in the last several years that more and more pedestrians are being seriously injured or killed at higher rate than recent past. We have noticed that the cause of these collisions with pedestrians, in many cases, is distracted driving. The association study also found that the uptick in pedestrian deaths were, in part, due to increased smartphone usage.
Interestingly, this uptick has been on the rise since 2009 reaching this highest amount in 2018. This increase occurred despite the fact that traffic related deaths for other reasons had decreased. The study attributed this increased in pedestrians deaths to more nighttime crossings, more distracted driving, and more alcohol/drug impairment by both drivers and pedestrians. 90% of the death rate increase was related to nighttime collisions.
This increase in pedestrian death rate has been noted to be as high was 35% more than in 1990. Here at Zarzaur Law, we are committed to representing this victims of careless drivers and have a long history of representing pedestrians (or their survivors) who are hit by distracted drivers.
These cases usually have significant issues related to fault and it is important that our legal investigation occurs soon after the event so that we can insure collection of all relevant evidence which can assist in proving who is at fault for the collision.
Zarzaur Law Represents Family of Pedestrian Killed
The firm recently represented a family of a pedestrian struck and killed on Gulf Beach Highway. The facts of this case were that our client was attempting to cross the Gulf Beach Highway in an area that was not well lit. As she crossed the highway, she stopped in the middle turn lane. At the same time, the defendant driver was headed towards Pensacola to meet friends at a downtown club. The impact with this pedestrian was so significant that she suffered fatal injuries and was rendered brain dead within hours of the impact. The at fault driver claimed that our client “ran out in front of her” and had a “death wish”. We took on the case and started to find that this story did not line up with the physical evidence. Our firm utilized our investigation team to collect evidence at the scene and to document the scene both during the day and at night to simulate the conditions.
Zarzaur Law Investigation Proves at Fault Driver’s Responsibility
We then started to focus on the at fault driver and during litigation were able to discover that she was actually on several different prescription medications in addition to being under the influence of alcohol. At every step, the at fault driver took no responsibility and maintained that our client jumped out in front of her wanted to kill her self. However, the physical evidence and evidence of drug and alcohol use was too much for the at fault driver to handle. Ultimately, the at fault driver settled this wrongful death case for a confidential sum. While this settlement will do little to make up for the void created in this family, the fact that this driver had to account for her actions made this family whole and allowed some additional closure.
If you or a loved one was injured by a pedestrian v. car event, please feel free to contact us on the web at zarzaurlaw.com or by phone at 850-444-9299.
Joe Zarzaur, founder of Zarzaur Law, P.A., a Pensacola Personal Injury law firm, has created this blog in an effort to educate the many citizens and visitors of Pensacola, Florida about their legal rights. Joe Zarzaur knows the ins and outs of Florida law, and offers friendly-quality legal help whether you have experienced an auto accident/car wreck, have been a victim of medical malpractice or are in need of a personal injury lawyer. For more information, visit: https://www.zarzaurlaw.com.
11 E Romana Street
Pensacola, FL 32502
Telephone: 850-444-9299
Email: info@zarzaurlaw.com