The Dangers Of Tailgating And Why It Should Be Avoided

Tailgating occurs when a driver follows another vehicle with insufficient distance, often with only a few seconds of reaction time. This behavior not only increases the risk of rear-end collisions but also reduces the driver’s ability to react to sudden…

Older Driver Safety Awareness: Drivers 65 And Older Account For 17% Of All Car Accident Fatalities.

Courtesy of AARP New York December 4 to 8, 2023 is Older Driver Safety Awareness Week (ODSAW), a time to empower older adults to improve their safety on the nation’s roadways. This is important because – even though they are…

How Does PIP Work If You Have Another Car Accident in Florida?

It’s happened to so many drivers in Florida –  multiple auto accidents in a short period of time. If you are not sure if you have enough (or any) coverage to pay for your injuries from multiple car accidents that…

Bicycle Accident Law – What You Need To Know

Whether a cyclist is riding a bicycle as a means of commuting, recreation, or exercise, it is imperative that those taking to the roadways, sidewalks, or pedestrian travel lanes on anything other than a motorized vehicle understand the rights extended…

What You Need To Know About Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI).

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) includes any bump, blow, or jolt to the head that interferes at all with your normal brain function. The most common form of TBI is a concussion. When you sustain a concussion, an outside force…

What Happens After A Car Accident With No Police Report?

Sometimes potential clients who get in a car wreck have no police report associated with it. Usually, this is because the property damage is minor, and the client did not feel injured at the time of the wreck. Many times,…